We are underpinned by a strong Corporate Culture of
Integration of Theories and Practices
Strong foresight and faith
Global Perspectives and African Practices
Superior innovative learning
About us
In today's fast paced world, business knowledge and practices are growing exponentially, far beyond what an average learner can understand, let alone develop and deploy.The Strategic Business School is engaged in continuous superior research that not only meets but indeed out-paces strategic business knowledge and practices that will catapult learners to the greatest heights of competences and orientations in strategic management, and expand your opportunity to excel both academically and in business careers, in a global marketplace.

Tailored Training & Development Solutions
Many organizations, after sending individual participants to our open programmes, subsequently request to have these events run inside their organizations or in a study tour, either at our Centre or at other suitable learning locations. These courses are then modified to focus on issues of most direct relevance to the organization. The range of programmes which can be organized in this way parallels the full spectrum of the themes which already exist or can be developed from the main portfolio of our core and secondary competencies, strategic management process, strategic change management, strategic leadership, strategic entrepreneurship and governance.